Digital and Transformation Lead

The key objective of the role is to support PCNs and their practices to deliver ongoing improvement to services. Improvement projects are not restricted to those that focus on the utilisation of digital tools and could include any transformation work that utilises data or quality improvement tools to improve quality, drive efficiency or improve patient experience.

What can the Digital and Transformation Lead offer in the Primary Care setting?

Examples not limited to –

  • Support Primary Care Networks to identify and plan improvements.
  • Deliver quality improvement projects and support staff at all levels in the PCN to take forward change.
  • Work with Integrated Care Systems to design strategies and approaches to improvements.
  • Improve the induction and the use of existing and new technology to deliver benefits to patients and staff.
  • Support integration within the Primary Care Network and wider system
  • Use data to identify opportunities and to drive improvements in care quality and experience.

The role is not intended to –

  • Manage the procurement or contracting of IT systems.
  • Manage administrative functions.
  • Replicate the role of the PCN manager.
  • Operate in isolation or duplicate existing system functions.
  • To deliver everything presented. NHSE is choosing not to be too prescriptive to allow PCNs to shape the role to their needs.